Professional Training Research and Development Action

Dr. Dr AZINWI Primus

Dr. Dr AZINWI Primus
HOD of Mining and Mineral Engineering

  • Mail Address: P.O. Box 39 Bambili– Cameroon
  • Telephone Contacts: +237

The Mining and Mineral Engineering of the National Higher Advanced Polytechnic (Scool of Engineering) of the University of Bamenda was created by Ministerial Order No 2017/581/MINESUP of 24th November 2017 in together with five other engineering departments.

Vision of the Department

The vision of the department is to be an outstanding reference for the training of competent and innovative Engineers that will stimulate interest in both academic and industrial mining requirements.

Mission of the Department

This programme is designed to train manpower in the area of mining. The mining sector is taking hold in Cameroon (and the central African sub region) and so there is need to train adequate manpower to run the operations at the exploration and exploitation stages. All the stages in the mining industry require various physical, chemical and engineering processes which are not available in most institutions in the Sub-region. This programme offers training in this area. In this light, the focus is both academic and industrial with emphasis on field work and industrial attachment. First year of First Cycle leading to the award of the Diploma of Technical Secondary School Teacher (DIPET I).

Admission Requirements

Besides the general University requirements, applicants for this programme must have pass grades in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics at the GCE Ordinary Level. At the GCE Advanced Level, applicants must have at least two pass grades, one of which must be Mathematics and the competitive entrance examination, where three subjects will be considered for evaluation. An additional pass grade in one of the following subjects will be advantageous: Chemistry, Physics, Geology or any other Mathematics subject (Further Mathematics, Pure Mathematics with Statistics or Pure Mathematics with Mechanics). Candidates with relevant subjects in technical GCE as well as “Baccalaureat D” can apply.

Mode of Admission

All admissions are through a competitive entrance examinations organized by the Ministry of Higher Education.

Training Program

General Courses

  • Civics And Ethics
  • Functional English I
  • Functional English II
  • Functional French I
  • Functional French II
  • Sports

School Wide Courses

  • Algorithms and Programming Languages
  • Chemistry for Engineers
  • Engineering Drawing
  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Introduction to Computer Science
  • Introduction to Engineering
  • Physics for Engineers


Internships are compulsory with the objective of putting students in contact with technical applications and Professionals in industry. Internships are unique opportunities to orientate students on the selection of the topic of a project or thesis. Internships are monitored to ensure that these essential components of training are undertaken by all students before graduation.

Organisation of Academic Programs and Evaluation

Training programmes are structured in semesters and each semester has courses, internships, a project or a Thesis with a total of 36 credits. Courses are sub-divided into lectures, tutorials and or practical, field trips and industrial attachments. Each course is allocated a certain number of credits. The evaluation consists of continuous assessments and a written exam. The continuous assessment is scored over 30 points and the exam over 70 points making a total of 100 pts. The BMP grading system with a GPA over 4 is applied to determine the final grade of the certificate awarded.

Research Areas

Renewable Energy, Electric Power Systems, Electronics, Robotics, Biomedical Applications, Signal processing, Telecommunications, Automation, Air conditioning systems, Solar/biomass hybrid dryers, Energy audit in buildings, solar water heating systems, conservation of products, Chaos and synchronization, Thermal comfort, Energy efficiency in buildings.

Career opportunities

Graduates will find meaningful employment in the exploration and mining industries.

Core Courses

Basic Concepts in Geology; Engineering Fluid Mechanics; Introduction to Rock Mechanics; Clay Minerals and introduction to Materials Science, Surveying Techniques, Industrial Attachment , Instrumental Analysis for Mining Engineers, Engineering Mathematics, Mine Camp Management and Logistics, Remote Sensing and GIS techniques, Mineral Exploration and Exploitation Methods, Drilling Methods and Rock Fragmentation, Ore Textures and Ore Microscopy, Geostatistics and Modeling, Foundry and Metal Smelting Operations, Engineering Thermodynamics, Rock Cutting, Polishing and Milling, Core Logging Protocols and Instrumentation, Exploration and Mining Regimes, Heat and Mass Transfer, Principles of Gemology, Surface and Groundwater Systems in Mining, Specialized Computer Applications in Mining, MICROMINE, Designs and Reserve Estimation, Probability and Statistics for Mining Engineers, Soil Mechanics and Slope Stability in Mines, Construction of Underground and Open Pit Mines, Techniques in Extractive Metallurgy, Examination and Evaluation of Prospects and Mines, International Trade and Metal Exchange Systems, Mine Closure Operations and Restoration, Remotely Operated Vehicles in Mineral Extraction, Entrepreneurship, Mine Ventilation and Drainage, Health, Environment and Safety in Mining, Advanced Metallurgy and Elements of Geotechnics, Research Methods, Blasting Operations and Use of Explosives, Access Routes and Automobile Circulation in Mines, Marine Mineral Resources and Mining Operations, Mineral Resources Management and Sustainable Development, Quarrying Operations, Case Study I: Mining Pollution and Engineering Solutions Applied Geophysics, Artisanal Mining Operations in Cameroon: Practice and Legal Framework Physical and Chemical Mineral Separation. Techniques, Mining, Hauling and Processing of Radioactive Minerals, Industrial Chemistry, Social Baseline and Environmental Impact Assessment Tools for Mining Engineers, Tailing Dam Designs and Construction, Case Study II: Mine Collapse and Engineering Solutions, Final Year Projects

Teaching Laboratories

The following labs will accompany teaching in the department:

  • Drilling Fluid Technology Laboratory
  • PVT/Reservoir Engineering Laboratory
  • Petroleum Engineering Software Laboratory with a work station and so many simulation software.

National Partner Institutions

  • Ministry of Mines
  • Ministry of Environment
  • Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training.

Industrial Partners

  • ENEO
  • Société Anonyme des Brasseries du Cameroun (S.A.B.C.)
  • MTN
  • Ndawara Tea Estate

Permanent Teaching Staff

  • Dr Azinwi Primus Tamfuh, PhD Geochemistry, Lecturer, Head of Department
  • Prof. Cho-Ngwa Fidelis, PhD Chemistry, Professor.
  • Pr. Suh Cheo Emmanuel, PhD Mining Geolgy, Professor.
  • Dr. Fozao Kennedy, Petroleum Engineering, Lecturer.
  • Dr. Che Vivian, PhD, Surveying Geology

Associated Permanent Teaching Staff

  • Pr Wouatong Armand, PhD Engineering geology, Associate Professor, University of Dschang.
  • Dr. Banakeng Lucian, PhD Geochemistry, University of Yaounde I.
  • Mr. Amah Mbah, Msc Environmental Geology, University of Bamenda.
  • Mr. Guedjeo Christian Suh, M.Sc Geotechnics and Environmental Geology, University of Bamenda.
  • Mme Aye Anehumbu Beyanu M.Sc Mining Geology, University of Bamenda.
  • Mr. Ngambu Afahnyui Aloysius, Msc Mining Geology, University of Bamenda.
  • Mr. Denis Mukwa Asah, Msc , Mineral Exploration, University of Douala.

Various Form B's

  • Bachelor of Engineering (B.ENG)
  • Master of Engineering Science (M.ENG)
  • Master of Science(MSc)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)